Thursday, April 19, 2012

back in time

View from friend's cabin off Whitney Portal Road.
Our trip to Death Valley National Park was super. The weather could not have been better. It was a quick trip that has left me obsessing about when we'll return. So much to explore!

Years ago, my best friend from junior high school days, invited me to stay at her family's cabin. You wouldn't think teenage girls would find a rustic cabin in the middle of nowhere fun but we did. On this trip, we visited the cabin and this picture captures the view from the front side. Spectacular. The cabin itself is in complete disrepair. I would love to own it and fix it up. Dreaming...


pam said...

Wow that's beautiful!

Levi said...

Gorgeous photo! Glad you had a chance to travel and get away for a bit.

Lee said...

Thank you, Pam & Janell. Can you smell the sagebrush?

JoAnn said...

SO beautiful! Does your friend's family still own that cabin?

Lee said...

JoAnn- That's a good question.

Levi said...

I once stayed in a cave in the Alabama Hills in the Owens Valley when I was with my husband as a boyfriend in 1976 or so. We made & drank squaw tea from the squaw tea bush that grew there. It was an interesting vacation. We had to work hard on that vacation. Cave living isn't all it's cracked up to be.