My grandma Bertha & I. [Los Angeles, February 1960] |
I love how many photos from the 50s & 60s have people positioned in front of cars. My grandma had only been a resident of the U.S. for about 4 years when this picture was taken. She moved her family from England in search of new and better opportunities in America. I was her first grandchild.
Saturday Snapshots is hosted by Alyce ~
I hadn't really given it any thought, but now that you mentioned it I'm sure I'll be noticing photos of people in front of cars. :) I'll have to pay attention more the next time my mom goes through the old family pics.
It must have taken real courage to uproot the family and move to a new country.
Great snapshot! I love black and white pictures. Have a great day!
Just Books
Oh, you're so right about that tendency to pose in front of cars. It went back further, too; my parents' photo albums from the thirties and forties feature lots of photos like that of themselves, and then us, posed in front of their cars. Maybe that's how they remembered when the photos were taken?
That picture in LA reminds me of one from my album taken in the forties, when we visited our cousins there. It could almost be the same neighborhood! LOL
Thanks for visiting my blog.
You know what, I'm sure we have quite a few photos of people stood in front of cars too! :)
I never thought about it before, but a lot of my parents old photos were taken in front of cars!!
Here's Mine
It's amazing how you don't notice something like that until someone points it out. You're right--there are oodles of pictures of my family members beside cars.
Love these old photos!
Here's my snapshot: http://myreadersblock.blogspot.com/2011/05/saturday-snapshot-may-7.html
Very cool photo. BTW..love Riley cat to the right as well.
such a great snapshot...and...you know...you are right about the car thing. thanks for your visit. -xok.
Thanks everyone for taking time out of your day to stop by. Happy Mother's Day!
Great photo, although you don't look like you're exactly cooperating! lol
Very true about the cars. My family has a few of those too. I even have one of me in front of my car. I think my mom posed me there.
Wonderful pic and I love the background story.
We have lots of pictures in front of cars, too. Love your photo - we must be of about the same vintage ;-)
Love the picture. What a brave and beautiful woman!
My grandmother's name was Bertha, too. And I think they had a car just like that one.
Hope you had a happy Mother's Day!
Tena, your grandma's name was Bertha too? Well, how 'bout that? (:
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